Brand Appearance, Assets & Application

The McConnell Dowell brand elements all come together to form a distinctive, recognisable and ultimately memorable McConnell Dowell brand appearance. The system is composed of core brand elements and application and usage rules.


Note: If you are here looking for branding (logos, Dynamic Beams etc) to specifically create a Word or PowerPoint document - click here


If not, toggle 'Page Menu' (top right) to jump to specific section, or scroll to read full page. 


Working with the brand elements

01 Logo

Our logo makes it easy for people to recognise us and should be clearly visible on all McConnell Dowell public facing communications, equipment and signage. Our logo appears in full colour and stands out clearly against the background.

More about our logo >


p1 logo 1   p1 logo 2


02 Colour

Our colours take advantage of our long and positive association with green. Consistent use of colour, with lots of green and white is vital in building a strong and easily recognisable McConnell Dowell brand.

More about our colours >



p1 colour 1


03 Dynamic Beams

The dynamic beams is a contemporary graphic that visually represents our clever engineering and creative construction. They can be used to create a variety of interesting shapes that add a distinctly recognisable visual element to the McConnell Dowell brand look & feel.

More about our dynamic beams >



p1 dynamic beams 1


04 Typography

Our typography is simple clear and easy to use. Our typeface Circular has been chosen for its impact and readbaility across a wide variety of applications.

More about our typography >



p1 typography 1



05 Photography & Video

Photography is a powerful tool to help us communicate what creative construction looks like. Our photography can showcase our culture, our people and the amazing projects we deliver. It's important we get it right.

More about photography & video >


p1 photography 1



06 Layout

Our layout structure enables content to be conveyed clearly and precisely. Simple grids and logical divisions make our layouts come together in a way that content and messages are easily accessible.

More about our layouts >

 p1 layout 1



07 Signs

Clear, on-brand signs are an important part of our branding, especially for high visibility sites and offices.

More about our Signs>



08 PPE

Keeping our people safe while looking consistent and professional on site, is another important facet of our branding.

Click here for information on PPE branding


09 Templates

Creating documents that are consistent and professional is another important facet of our branding.

Click here for information on Word and Powerpoint branded templates



Go to Logo