
The McConnell Dowell Logo is our brand’s signature and is a key visual aspect of the brand. It links the past to the future and is representative of our proud history, culture and achievements. The logo combined with our strapline: Creative Construction, helps us stand out, creating a distinctive and recognisable brand.

Use our logo wherever you can, do not hide or create new project logos. Use our logo prominently and proudly.

We are McConnell Dowell.


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 Download Full MCD Logo Suite


Colour logo downloads

Use the reversed logo, on our hero green background, wherever possible.

Reversed logo (primary):

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Positive logo (secondary):

p2 colour 2


Logo downloads above are;

Office use:PNG format for internal document sand screen/online work.

Print use: PDF format for professional printing - banners, posters etc.


Full MCD logo suite downloadable at top & bottom of this page.


Alternative logos

Only used when Colour Logo cannot be used.

Greyscale: Used within the rail corridor or newspaper print only.

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1-Colour Logo: Used for single colour printing in black or white or specialty printing. Such as metal pressing, engraving or glass frosting.

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Logo structure

Display our logo only as structured below - with 'Flag' and 'Strapline' in tact.

Only use the master artwork files, never separate, modify or re-draw it.


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Do not cram the logo into a space to make it fit. Leave 'clearspace' around the logo so it has space to 'breathe'. Leave an area at least the width of the captial M in McConnell Dowell free of any type and from the edge of any surface it's being placed on. 

DO NOT box the logo into a tight-fitting rectangle as per the below graphic.

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  No Clearspace logo


MCD/BE Co-branding

For use when we want the McConnell Dowell logo linked together in a close relationship with the Built Environs logo.


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Our logo makes it easy for people to recognise us and should be clearly visible on all McConnell Dowell public facing communications, equipment and signage. Our logo appears in full colour and stands out clearly against the background. Placement depends on the type of communication and use. it usually appears in a corner. Give it space and keep it away from any other elements on the page.


Where possible use the reversed logo on our 'hero green' background.

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Do ensure that our logo stands out clearly against the background colour and is easy to read.




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Don’t use the wrong logo on an image or background colour where there is not enough contrast making it difficult to read.


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Portrait placement examples



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Landscape placement examples




Our logo is designed to work at a variety of sizes. The relative size depends on the type of communication and use. For close range communications (where people will be close to the logo) the logo doesn’t have to be large, such as when someone is holding a brochure, holding their phone or sitting in front of a screen for example. For long range communications (where people will be further away) such as signage, the logo needs to be larger.

For exact sizing it’s a good idea to make the logo a fraction of the total page width size. On an A4 cover for example, a comfortable size logo is 20% or 1/5th the total width.


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Close range

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Long Range



Minimum Display Size

Minimum size, is the smallest acceptable height of the logo before it starts to become difficult to recognize.


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 For logo sizes when embroidering clothing, see our PPE guidelines.







Joint Venture Branding

When negotiating joint venture branding, it is imperative that the McConnell Dowell logo be incorporated. If we are the lead partner, the McConnell Dowell logo should be first under all circumstances.


Do not create ANY new graphics or logos to represent a JV. Use ONLY the logo lockup layout as described below.


The JV logos should allow appropriate free space and be of the same visual scale in height / width dimensions. Place a keyline between the two logos to separate them. Use the clear space rules to determine how the McConnell Dowell logo is sized and looks in the lockup.



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Horizontal Joint Venture branding example


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Vertical Joint Venture branding example






The McConnell Dowell logo should only be used as described here. The logo is supplied as digital master artwork files and should never be distorted, redrawn broken apart or altered in any way.



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Do not change the colour.

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Do not change the flag and strapline proportions.

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Do not change or recreate the logotype.



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Do not change the proportions of the green and black panels.

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Do not crop the logo. It must always be used in its entirety.

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Do not stretch or distort the logo.



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Do not rotate or use on an angle.

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Do not skew the logo.

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Do not make transparent or tinted.



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Do not place the logo over complex backgrounds. Ensure it is clear and legible at all times.

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Keep graphic elements or complex backgrounds away from the logo clearspace area.

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Never apply any effects or filters to the logo such as drop shadows or feathered edges.








Download Full Logo Suite

Download the complete McConnell Dowell logo suite. Included are files in PNG and PDF format.

PNG for Internal Use

PNG files are for use in Microsoft Office applications such as PowerPoint and Word, for internal documents, letters, emails, memos, presentations etc.

PDF for External Use

PDF files are for professional production such as printing, advertising and signage.

Download Logo Suite