Diversity & Inclusion Network Guidelines

Our Diversity & Inclusion Networks (D & I) reflect our commitment to a inclusive and equal working envrionment.

Read about the overarching principles of our D&I Networks on our website here.


When communicating on behalf of a Network in an official capacity, please use the following guidelines to help keep the D&I Network brand and messaging consistant and professional.

These guidelines should be read in conjunction with MCD’s Brand Guidelines and Built Environs Brand Guidelines. 



Hi-Vis Network

HiVis stands for Highlighting Inclusion and Visibility on Infrastructure Sites, the Hi-Vis network should be always be referenced using it's official logo:


HiVis logo:

p2 colour 1


Hivis logo with white outline:

p2 colour 2

HiVis logo wOutline-print use



The below sets of colours can be used as base colours for HiVis collateral and reporting. 

Use the 'hero purple' is the primary colour and should be used on covers and front pages of reports.

p4 primary 1

Hero Purple

RGB: 27/20/100
HEX: #1b1464
CMYK: 100/100/26/24



p4 primary 1
Rainbow Red
RGB: 250/70/84
HEX: #fa4654
CMYK: 0/87/61/0
p4 primary 2
Rainbow Orange
RGB: 255/139/0
HEX: #ff8b00
CMYK: 0/55/100/0

p4 primary 3

Rainbow Yellow
RGB: 249/199/68
HEX: #f9c744
CMYK: 2/22/84/0

p4 primary 3

Rainbow Green
RGB: 21/190/121
HEX: #15be79
CMYK: 74/0/72/0

p4 primary 3

Rainbow Blue
RGB: 3/145/232
HEX: #0391e8
CMYK: 75/35/0/0


Gender Equity Network


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