As well as themes and tone, we need to be consistent in the writing conventions we use. This includes spelling and grammar styles.
Grammar & Mechanics
Adhering to certain rules of grammar and mechanics helps us keep our writing clear and consistent. This section will lay out our house style, which applies to all of our content unless otherwise noted in this guide. (We cover a lot of ground in this section—the search feature will help if you're looking for something in particular.)
The Basics
Write for all readers. Some people will read every word you write. Others will just skim. Help everyone read better by grouping related ideas together and using descriptive headers and subheaders.
Focus your message. Create a hierarchy of information. Lead with the main point or the most important content, in sentences, paragraphs, sections, and pages.
Be concise. Use short words and sentences. Avoid unnecessary modifiers.
Be specific. Avoid vague language. Cut the fluff.
Be consistent. Stick to the copy patterns and style points outlined in this guide.
The McConnell Dowell name
- The company name should be written as McConnell Dowell or McConnell Dowell Ltd. Pty for formal documentation.
- In informal documents refer to the “the team”, “staff” or other more personal terms wherever possible to keep the tone colloquial.
- If it is used numerous times in the piece of writing, then add the abbreviation e.g. McConnell Dowell (MCD) afterward and MCD thereafter.
- NEVER use any alternate abbreviations e.g. McCD or MacDow.
- McConnell Dowell is treated as a single entity not a group of people e.g., ‘McConnell Dowell is (not are) proud to announce…’, ‘McConnell Dowell has (not have) been awarded…’. Except where in reference to the staff group e.g., ‘McConnell Dowell staff have been very generous with their time.
- Only use capitals at the start of sentences, for proper nouns /names e.g. organisations, countries, companies, days, months and more.
- To write the title of articles or job titles capitalise the first word, the last word and nouns in between but not the articles or prepositions e.g. Ministry of Transport, Managing Director of New Zealand and NB. Where ministry or managing director are used as adjectives.
- In abbreviations and acronyms. For abbreviations write the full name in the first instance and include the abbreviation in brackets afterwards and any subsequent mentions can be abbreviated e.g. Watercare’s Asset Upgrades and Repair (AUR) project was awarded.
- In cases where the abbreviation or acronym is more commonly used that the full title uses the shorter version e.g. IT, IQ, SH25A, GST etc.
- At the start of a quote where it forms the start of a complete sentence e.g. John says “The pipeline was completed in May 2023.”