Customer: Sydney Water Contract: Design, Construct, Operate and Maintain Location: St Marys, New South Wales |
Fast Facts
As part of the Deerubbin WaterFutures Consortium, we designed and constructed of one of the largest water recycling plants in Australia. The St Marys Advanced Water Treatment Plant provides environmental flows to the Hawkesbury-Nepean River system and highly treated recycled water for industry and new homes in Sydney’s booming western suburbs.
The consortium included United Group Infrastructure, GE Water and Process Technologies, and ourselves.
The plant produces 50 ML/day of highly treated recycled water and approximately 8 ML/day of concentrate (brine generated from the treatment process). The effluent comes from three existing water recycling plants in the area.
The plant uses ultrafiltration followed by three-stage reverse osmosis membrane technology. This treatment process minimises waste, maximises water production and provides the smallest plant footprint possible. This process also reliably delivers the highest possible quality of output water.
Environmental issues were given high priority during the construction with extensive environmental planning undertaken, and implementation carefully monitored and audited by Sydney Water.
Other works included a 450 mm diameter, 8 km long pipeline for the transfer of the effluent, including a new pump station and buffer storage; a 450 mm diameter, 12 km long pipeline for the transfer of the tertiary treated water, including a new pump station and buffer storage, 12 km of 300 mm pipeline, and other pump stations.
Where necessary, trenchless pipe installation techniques, including directional drilling and under-boring, were used to minimise environmental and community impacts.
We were also part of the team providing ongoing operations and maintenance services for the plant's first 15 years of operation.