Toll Berthing & Infrastructure Project


Customer: Toll Transport

Contract: Early Contractor Involvement

Location: Victoria & Tasmania, Australia

Fast Facts

  • 10 week Early Contractor Involvement process
  • Two operational wharves upgraded
  • 200 concrete piles
  • 200 metres of sheetpile wall
  • Zero Lost Time Injuries

Drawing on our unmatched experience in the Port of Melbourne, we were engaged by Toll Transport to upgrade their wharfs and berthing infrastructure at Webb Dock, Melbourne and McGaw Wharf, Burnie. These terminals service Toll's trans-Bass Strait shipping route.

Upgrades were required at both facilities in advance of Toll receiving two new larger vessels which were longer, wider, deeper and heavier, resulting in the need for significant modifications to the existing infrastructure. 

With all works needing to be completed in and around ongoing operations, we suggested several design improvements to greatly reduce the time required to complete the upgrades, helping reduce potential disruption.

A summary of the scope of work we performed at each location is as follows:

 Webb Dock
  • Installation of approximately 200m of discrete sheet pile wall 
  • Installation of approximately 200 reinforced concrete piles 
  • Removal of existing pavement and placement of new materials (approximately 8,500m3) 
  • Construction of a 1,800m3 relieving slab
  • Construction of three mooring dolphins
  • Replacement of entire linkspan structure
  • Construction of new linkspan abutment structure
  • Scour protection
  • Upgrades to electrical infrastructure
  • Installation of new fender system
  • Construction of five mooring dolphins
  • Replacement of entire linkspan structure
  • Installation of bored pile foundations
  • Scour protection
  • Upgrades to electrical infrastructure
  • Installation of new fenders and spacers installed to existing fender.

Collaborative Contracting

The project had two distinct phases: the Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) Phase which included early procurement engagement, and the Site Construction Phase.

The project was a collaborative, construct only contract, working closely with the client, Toll Transport, and engineering consultant, Jacobs.

During the two and a half-month ECI Phase McConnell Dowell worked closely with the project team to identify design and construction innovations. As a result the occupation at each site was reduced by one month, reducing disruption to Toll’s operations.

A key deliverable during the ECI was to ensure that the construction works were undertaken and sequenced such that they did not impact on the terminal operator outside the construction footprint.

The detailed sequencing undertaken within the ECI achieved this and provided an accelerated start on-site following the main contract award.

Complex construction sequencing

The construction phase was principally focussed on executing the works within the site footprint safely, over a very short duration and without interrupting terminal operations.

To achieve this goal, the project team regularly engaged with the various stakeholders to develop the construction program. This agreed program was strictly adhered to by the project team.

Consistently honouring the commitments made during the ECI phase helped to maintain and foster the positive relationship between McConnell Dowell and the project stakeholders.

The program was also structured such that works to the linkspan were undertaken during a period of reduced throughput at the terminals to limit impacts on Toll’s business.

Innovation and excellence

During the ECI process, McConnell Dowell suggested several design improvements to greatly reduce the time required to complete the upgrade works to the linkspans. This provided a significant benefit to Toll given that these works had to be completed under an occupation possession.

Furthermore, McConnell Dowell was able to draw on its vast corporate knowledge of working in and around active terminals to adopt practical solutions that allowed construction to be completed efficiently without disrupting stevedoring operations.

The works were completed on-time, with no unplanned disruptions, and with zero lost time injuries or reportable environmental events.

The success of this project showcases our creative solutions and ability to manage multiple operational interfaces.

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