Shiploader and Berth Replacement, Hay Point

Customer: BHP Mitsubishi Alliance

Contract: Early Contractor Involvement

Location: Mackay, Queensland

Fast Facts

  • Off-site fabrication of new berth topside modules
  • On-site preparatory works including modification of existing concrete caisson berth foundations
  • Disassembly and removal of existing berth and ship loader
  • Installation of new berth modules, tie-in and commissioning
  • Installation of new ship loader.

We completed the main berth construction scope for BHP Mitsubishi Alliance's (BMA) SABR Project, using the Early Contractor Involvement process to develop a number of innovations. 

SABR, short for 'Shiploader and Berth 2 Replacement', was a brownfields project located within the lease boundaries of BMA's existing Hay Point Coal Terminal near Mackay, Queensland. It included the disassembly and replacement of one of the existing shiploaders and berths to improve materials handling throughput and cyclonic wave immunity.

Construction followed a 12-month collaborative Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) process led by BMA and involving design engineer Aurecon and ourselves. Working collaboratively with our customer and their designer enabled us to add value through smarter, safer and more constructable solutions.

For example, the adoption of a fully modularised fabrication and installation methodology, and use of a heavy lift vessel (HLV) for both demolition and construction phases, has delivered significant safety, cost and schedule benefits.

The integrated team also focused on engineering out, or controlling risks through elimination or substitution. For example, we developed a construction approach that eliminated the need for our workforce to travel to the workfront by marine vessel. That’s a huge safety benefit, eliminating weather risks and also reducing downtime.


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