Maryam Logo

Maryam Pishbin

WINTR Trainee, Former Teaching Aid

"Transitioning from teaching to construction was a major shift, but I've found the hands-on nature of the work refreshing. The support from the MCD team, especially my program lead and supervisor, has been invaluable as they helped me navigate challenges and grow. The structured learning program, including CERT 4 certification and on-the-job training, has equipped me with valuable skills.

Being part of a cohort of women in the program has been empowering, fostering camaraderie and collective learning. The mentoring program has further enhanced my professional growth.

Overall, this program not only benefits me but also breaks down barriers for other women in the construction industry, providing a fantastic opportunity for fulfilling careers.”

fey wintr

Fey Enriquez

Senior Document Controller & WINTR Trainee

“I have had the privilege of participating in a program dedicated to advancing women in the construction industry. This program has provided me with networking opportunities, skill enhancement, visibility, support, and advocacy, contributing significantly to my professional growth.

The unwavering support I have received from the MCD team has been invaluable. Their guidance, mentorship, and advocacy have empowered me to surmount obstacles, hone my skills, and expand my career prospects. Engaging in a comprehensive learning curriculum has equipped me with essential skills and knowledge to thrive in the construction field, fostering my personal and professional development. Being part of a community of like-minded women has fostered a nurturing and supportive environment, magnifying the benefits of learning, networking, and professional growth.

The WINTR program is actively dismantling barriers and laying the groundwork for a more inclusive and diverse industry, empowering numerous women to excel in their careers."

Farzana Logo

Farzana Hossain

WINTR Trainee, Former Hospital Assitant

“Transitioning from working as a hospital assistant to the construction industry has been a significant shift, bringing about both similarities and differences in the work environment, culture, and daily tasks. The most important change for me is greater flexibility that I now have around working from home and start and finish times. This has been very helpful as I am able to do school pick-ups and drop-offs which wasn’t afforded to me in my previous career. Completing this program, I feel very supported, not only by my rotation supervisor but also everybody on site as well as the Program Officer. If I have any questions or get stuck with anything, I know that I can lean into this support system without any judgements.

I started off the cert 4 a little bit rocky, but I am now getting the hang of it. As we move through the modules and the assessments it gets progressively easier. It helps to be completing this program in a cohort as I have a network of other women going through the same experience and we are able to help each other which has lifted my confidence and a sense of community. I derive great value from the mentoring program as it not only a way to network and connect with other women within the industry but also an opportunity to learn from their experiences. The sessions help build my confidence and also prepare me with strategies to face challenges that women face within the industry.

The perception of working in the construction industry is that it is not flexible and for women with family commitments it is still the main concern. However, as I have been sharing my experience with my friends and family, I am able to inspire others. Adapting to the new challenges and dynamics of the construction industry has been a learning experience, but one that I am finding rewarding as I continue to grow and develop in this new environment.”