
Loren Hickey

General Manager - Pre-Contracts & SheBuilds Mentor

"As a mentor, the WINTR Program at McConnell Dowell has been very rewarding. Understanding the lived experiences of the mentees as new entrants into the construction industry has reminded me of what it was like when I was starting out - the nervous energy, the imposter syndrome, and the general pace and expectation placed on everyone to excel. Programs like WINTR can go a long way to attracting, maintaining, and retaining new entrants into our industry. I am very grateful for the opportunity to be involved and help these mentees navigate the early stages of their construction careers"


Katie Hateley

Commerical Manager - Rail & SheBuilds Mentor

"SheBuilds Mentoring Program provides opportunities for aspirational women to develop construction careers. Structured mentoring circles or group guidance allows mentors and mentees to bring differing perspectives to each masterclass by participating in learning enhancing discussions. The group setting increases inclusion as the environment is open, engaging, and conversation naturally flows. What sets a manager and a leader apart is a leader commits to progressing/developing their people. I am deeply passionate about programs that support this, with the bonus of enriching my own inspiring network of women!


Michaela Wallace

Bid Manager – SA & WA & SheBuilds Mentor

"Through the Shebuilds mentoring program, we've created a powerful forum where women can not only connect and network within our business but also learn from each other's experiences and find better outcomes for challenges women face in our industry.  As a mentor, I am able to self-reflect and also learn from these shared experiences. For me, exposure to new and diverse perspectives from women in non-traditional roles is the cornerstone of this program. Embracing these varied viewpoints allows our group to focus on our differences and work collaboratively to maximize inclusion and equality in the scenarios we navigate. SheBuilds truly #InspiresInclusion as in our mentoring circle every voice is valued, creating a non-judgmental where feedback flows freely, empowering each participant to contribute in a safe environment."