McConnell Dowell 2024 Financial Statements

56 for the year ended 30 June 2024 2024 2023 The auditor of McConnell Dowell Corporation Limited is KPMG. Amounts received or due and receivable by external auditor*: - An audit of the financial report of the Entity and any other entity 643,000 609,000 in the consolidated Group - Other services in relation to the Entity, its joint operations and any other entity in the consolidated Group - Assurance related services 352,000 243,000 995,000 852,000 Amounts received or due and receivable by related practices of KPMG Australia for*: - An audit of the financial report of the Entity and any other entity 227,500 202,000 in the consolidated Group Total received or due and receivable by external auditor 1,222,500 1,054,000 Amounts received or due and receivable by non KPMG firms for: - An audit of the financial report of the entities in the consolidated Group 110,684 129,626 * all figures reported in this note are in whole dollars Consolidated The directors are not aware of any significant matter or circumstance arising after the reporting date up to the date of this report except as stated below: 27.1 New asset-backed debt facility Subsequent to year end, Aveng Group negotiated and signed a term sheet for a new asset backed debt facility of A$15.5 million. The facility to McConnell Dowell Corporation Limited will include the provision of security over specific assets. A portion of the proceeds will be advanced to Aveng Australia Holdings Proprietary Limited, in order to repay a loan owing to Aveng Limited, with the balance used to support working capital requirements at McConnell Dowell. 26. Auditors’ remuneration 27. Events subsequent to balance date Notes to the annual financial statements (continued)