McConnell Dowell 2024 Financial Statements

55 All figures are in A$000's Note 2024 2023 Information relating to McConnell Dowell Corporation Limited Current assets 10,415 18,782 Total assets 401,303 408,013 Current liabilities 43,125 27,054 Total liabilities 168,878 169,273 Net assets 232,425 238,740 Issued capital 277,765 277,765 Reserves 1,662 1,486 Retained earnings (47,002) (40,511) Total shareholders' equity 232,425 238,740 Loss after tax (3,289) (25,856) Total comprehensive loss (6,689) (41,606) McConnell Dowell Corporation Limited guarantees all bank and bonding facilities issued across the Group (see Note 19 for details). McConnell Dowell Corporation Limited is party to a deed of cross guarantee (see Note 23 for details). Income paid or payable, or otherwise made available to key management personnel by entities in the consolidated Group in connection with the management of affairs of the parent or its controlled entities. Key management personnel are those persons with authority and responsibility for the planning, directing and controlling of the activities of the Group and its controlled entities, directly or indirectly, including any director (whether executive or otherwise). Fixed term remunerations 7,874 7,072 Short term incentives (STI) 2,473 232 Long term incentives (LTI) - vested units value 813 439 Long term incentives (LTI) - cash settled 334 - Other incentives 1,154 - Total compensation 12,648 7,743 24. Parent entity information 25. Directors and executive remuneration