McConnell Dowell 2024 Financial Statements

41 All figures are in A$000's Employee provisions Other provisions Total At 30 June 2023 38,945 17,534 56,479 Provision made during the financial year 40,025 17,690 57,715 Utilised during financial year (24,502) (8,039) (32,541) Foreign exchange movement (85) 3,694 3,609 At 30 June 2024 54,383 30,879 85,262 Non - current liabilities 3,896 168 4,064 Current liabilities 50,487 30,711 81,198 Total 54,383 30,879 85,262 Employee provisions: The Group has provided for expected costs in relation to annual leave, long service leave, staff bonuses, long term staff incentive scheme and other employee related provisions. Other provisions: Balance includes certain provisions for quantifiable and probable project risks. All figures are in A$000's Note 2024 2023 Amounts receivable / (payable) from related parties at balance date The receivables / (payables) due from / (to) McConnell Dowell Corporation Ltd and its subsidiaries relate to interest on the loan from the immediate parent Aveng Australia Holdings Pty Ltd ("AAH") and cost reimbursements for goods and services provided to / (from) AAH and its subsidiaries and subsidiaries of the ultimate parent Aveng Limited. Aveng Australia Holdings Pty Ltd - current receivable 7 2,030 2,030 Aveng (Africa) Ltd - current payable 13 (197) (72) Aveng Limited - current payable 13 (1) (63) Aveng Holdings Pty Ltd - Non current receivable (Tax Consolidation)* 49,941 45,004 Net amount receivable from related parties 51,773 46,899 Related party transactions are receivable / (payable) on demand subject to cash flow availability. *Refer to Note 5 for details of the tax sharing and funding agreement. During the financial year, McConnell Dowell Corporation Limited incurred and fully paid a management fee of $8.9 million to Aveng Corporate (Pty) Ltd. Consolidated 16. Provisions Consolidated 17. Related Parties