McConnell Dowell 2024 Financial Statements

39 All figures are in A$000's Note 2024 2023 Trade payables* 113,594 57,461 Project accruals 294,237 261,446 Other payables and accruals 34,820 23,839 Payables to other related parties 17 198 135 Payables to associates 41 41 Total trade and other payables 442,890 342,922 The ultimate parent of the Group is Aveng Limited (a company incorporated in South Africa). Aveng Limited owns 100% of the issued ordinary shares in Aveng Australia Holdings Pty Ltd. The immediate Australian parent of the Group is Aveng Australia Holdings Pty Ltd. Aveng Australia Holdings Pty Ltd owns 100% of the issued ordinary shares in McConnell Dowell Corporation Limited. * Trade payables are non-interest bearing and are normally settled on 30-45 day terms. Due to the short-term maturity of these payables, their carrying value is assumed to approximate their fair value. There is no collateral provided as security. Information regarding foreign exchange, interest rate and liquidity risk exposure is set out in Note 20. Consolidated 13. Trade and other payables 14. Ultimate parent