McConnell Dowell 2024 Financial Statements

35 2024 2023 All figures are in A$000's (b) Summarised financial information DMDME has a 31 December year-end (in line with the local shareholder). This differs from the yearend of the Group. DMDME applies the same accounting policies as the Group. The Group' s share of bank guarantees issued by DMDME is $8,000 (2023: $8,000) for which no liabilities are expected to arise. There are no capital commitments as at balance date. Profits from the associate cannot be distributed without the consent of both the Group and the local shareholder. The company is scaling back its operation in the Middle East. The following table illustrates summarised information of the investment in DMDME: Unlisted Carrying amount of the investment At the beginning of the year (5,635) (5,453) Share of results after taxation (102) (182) (5,737) (5,635) Movement in Loan Receivable 5,180 4,929 DMDME current year funding requirements for Contract Liabilities 557 706 At end of year - - The assets, liabilities and results of the operations of the associate are summarised below: Current assets 913 764 Total assets 913 764 Current liabilities 13,273 12,779 Non-current liabilities 16 77 Total liabilities 13,289 12,856 Net assets (12,376) (12,092) Revenue 14 174 Loss after taxation* (204) (364) Total comprehensive loss after taxation (204) (364) Consolidated * The Group's share of losses in DMDME and its subsidiaries is loss of $0.1 million (2023: loss of $0.18 million). 10. Investments in and loans to associates and others (continued)