McConnell Dowell 2024 Financial Statements

27 Note 2024 2023 All figures are in A$000's Operating expenses include the following items: Salaries & wages (536,999) (428,731) Subcontractors (1,434,233) (1,045,957) Materials (364,070) (351,409) Plant costs (174,579) (151,609) Indirect project costs (77,135) (122,427) Administrative expenses (54,670) (35,892) Short term and low value lease charges (79,627) (68,157) Net foreign exchange (losses) /gain (67) (239) Total operating expenses (2,721,380) (2,204,421) The Group recognised rent expense from short-term leases of $78.5 million (2023: $67.1 million), leases of low-value assets of $1.1 million (2023: $1.1 million) and no variable lease payments for the year ended 30 June 2024. All figures are in A$000's Finance income Interest income 7,615 4,620 Total finance income 7,615 4,620 Interest income is recognised and accrued on interest bearing cash accounts. Any amounts not recognised in closing cash balances, are accrued using the effective interest rate on an account by account basis. The average interest rate range is between 0.6% to 3.7% per annum. Finance Expense Interest expense (1,856) (633) Other finance expense (2,195) (1,253) Finance expense on lease liabilities (360) (2,003) Total finance expense (4,411) (3,889) Consolidated 3. Operating Expenses 4. Finance Income and Expense