McConnell Dowell 2024 Financial Statements

26 for the year ended 30 June 2024 Notes to the annual financial statements (continued) Note 2024 2023 All figures are in A$000's Revenue Construction contract revenue 2,785,724 2,161,489 Total revenue - Group 2,785,724 2,161,489 Other income Net gain on disposal of fixed assets 3,145 1,255 Other income 1,149 543 Other income - Group 4,294 1,798 Total revenue and other income - Group 2,790,018 2,163,287 Geographical information Australia 2,216,345 1,730,839 New Zealand and Pacific Islands 425,561 315,958 South East Asia 143,818 114,692 Total construction contract revenue 2,785,724 2,161,489 The Consolidated Entity's share of revenue from associates is excluded from revenue noted above and from the Statement of Profit or Loss in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards. Details of the Consolidated Entity's share of revenue from associates is provided as additional non-IFRS information below. Revenue and income - Group 2,790,018 2,163,287 Revenue - Associates 10 7 87 Revenue - Group and Associates 2,790,025 2,163,374 Contract balances Refer to note 7(a), 7(c) and 13 for trade receivables, contract assets and contract liabilites respectively. Remaining performance obligations The transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligations (unsatisfied or partially unsatisfied) as at 30 June 2024 are, as follows: Within one year 1,930,064 2,180,000 More than one year 686,290 1,341,886 Total performance obligations (unsatisfied or partially unsatisfied) 2,616,354 3,521,886 The remaining performance obligations expected to be recognised in more than one year relate to the execution of existing construction contracts. Consolidated 2. Revenue and Other Income