Customer: BHP Contract: Design and Construct Location: Pilbara, Western Australia |
Fast Facts
During the Australian resources boom (2004-2014), BHP challenged us to design and construct two new iron export wharves on a fast tracked program to support their rapid growth program (RGP) initiative.
To meet the challenge, while delivering safely and to a high quality, we broke new ground in large-scale marine modularisation, making it central to our construction approach.
RGP5 involved the construction of a 900 m main wharf; 17 berthing dolphins; transfer decks; wharf conveyors and an elevated conveyor to a transfer station.
RGP6 involved the construction of a 750 m main wharf; 13 berthing dolphins; transfer decks; wharf conveyors and an elevated conveyor to a transfer station.
For each project, up to sixteen topside modules, each measuring 50 long x 30 m wide and weighing up to 500 tonnes, were fabricated in China, shipped to Western Australia on a Heavy Lift Vessel and lifted into position on pre-driven piles.
Approximately 7,000 m3 of precast concrete planks and 6,000 m3 of insitu concrete completed the deck structures. Our Batam fabrication facility and Perth precast yard also contributed to the modular solution with temporary works items and precasting of the wharf deck panels.
We developed and implemented a new temporary works system - allowing land access for all work areas and reducing the reliance on scaffolding, punt access and harnesses. This system is now used on many of our marine projects.
For each project, the plant fleet included 13 barges to service the various workfronts. This large flotilla of craft required constant logistical management to maintain construction efficiency and to ensure coordination with port operations and other stakeholders.
Our peak workforce was 350 personnel with 7% of the team being local indigenous trainees participating in the Pingku Program. This program was a BHP initiative aimed at developing employment pathway options in the building and construction industry for young indigenous people in the Pilbara region. We were a strong supporter of the program offering traineeships in construction, administration and warehousing.
The projects were completed safely, on time and within budget, leaving a positive relationship between ourselves and BHP, and leading to us securing numerous other major marine projects in the Pilbara.