QAL Waste Line Replacement

Client: Queensland Alumina Limited

Contract: Design and Construct

Location: Gladstone, Queensland 


Resources Solutions Australia

Fast Facts

  • 8.8 km DN 350 above ground pipeline
  • 1400 support structure piles in water
  • Zero lost time injuries
  • Zero environmental incidents
  • Completed 13 weeks ahead of schedule

We designed, supplied, constructed and commissioned this new above ground bauxite waste line, completing the works eight weeks ahead of an accelerated schedule and 13 weeks ahead of the original contract completion date. Now completed, the new line protects the local waterways and environment. 

Traversing a marine tidal zone, the project drew on our leading pipeline and marine expertise and involved the:

  • design of the new Waste Line 4 and the augmentation design of the support structure
  • removal of the existing DN350 WL4 pipeline
  • augmentation of the support structures, including approximately 1400 piles within tidal and marine zones
  • installation of the new above ground waste pipeline - 8.8 km of DN 350 SCH 60 steel pipe.

We constructed the new line while operations continued using the current assets.

Approximately 5 km of 350 mm diameter mudline was laid parallel to the existing pipe rack that contains four operating line assets.

Once completed, an operational change was made to take the current Line #4 out of operation. We then cut the old asset into transportable sections, capped them and took the sections to a disposal site for scrapping. In parallel, our civil, structural and diving crews started piling rectifications to extend the life of the existing structure by another 25 years.

New pipe strings were lifted off temporary supports that were used in the welding/ coating operations and placed onto the support foundations or into culverts. We replaced the pipe strings in the tidal areas using a specialised push/ pull method to reduce the construction footprint.

After placing the entire pipeline on the existing structure, we tested the pipeline hydrostatically to more than the operating pressure. After testing, the pipeline was de-watered and handed over to QAL Operations.

Over 150,000 hours were worked on site with zero lost time injuries and environmental incidents recorded. Our team’s strong focus on quality was also evident with zero weld repairs recorded. We also contributed to the economic well-being of the region by maximising local industry participation.

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