Leone Village Bridge Replacement


Customer: US Army Corps of Engineers

Contract Type: Design and Construct

Location: Leone Village, American Samoa


Transport Solutions New Zealand & Pacific Islands

Fast Facts

  • Simplified the design to reduce cost and impact
  • Steel H-pile design in place of concrete piles
  • Propped cantilever retaining wall abutments 

We delivered the Leone Village Bridge Replacement in American Samoa on behalf of the US Army Corps of Engineers after the original bridge was damaged by a devastating tsunami.

The award of this contract was due to the substantial cost savings our team presented with our design, as compared to our customer's design.

The customer's specific design comprised of large diameter concrete piles and pile caps (to be constructed within cofferdams) and substantial concrete abutments. Our tender design replaced the concrete piles with much smaller steel H piles and replaced the concrete abutments with a much simpler structure, utilising propped cantilever sheetpile retaining walls for the abutments. We developed the design in collaboration with our consultant, Lyons Associates (Hawaii). 

Our design was also considered advantageous over the customer's design in minimising the impact of works on the environmentally sensitive region.

The new bridge is built as a memorial to the 38 people who lost their lives in the tsunami, some of whom were from the Leone Village.

Project Gallery