Healesville - Koo Wee Rup Road Upgrade


Customer: Major Road Projects Victoria

Contract: Design and Construct

Location: Melbourne, Victoria

Transport Solutions Australia

Fast Facts

  • Two extra traffic lanes for approximately 5 km
  • New bridge over local creek
  • New roundabout
  • Shared user path

We partnered with Major Road Projects Victoria (MRPV) to deliver the Healesville-Koo Wee Rup Road Upgrade, a key transport route in Melbourne's outer south-eastern growth corridor.

This vital upgrade lowered the risk and severity of crashes, improved traffic flow and travel times, and introduced a new link to the southeast's walking and cycling network.

The upgrade included:

  • an extra traffic lane in each direction between Southeast Boulevard and Ellett Road,
  • new traffic lights at Greenhills Road,
  • a new bridge over Deep Creek near a water recycling plant,
  • a new roundabout at Hall Road, south of Deep Creek,
  • a new shared walking and cycling path,
  • and safety barriers along the road.

The design and construct contract was awarded under a Program Delivery Approach (PDA) model. Under this model, contracts were awarded to pre-qualified contractors based on their capability, capacity, past performance, and ability to deliver value-for-money solutions. The approach provided a range of benefits, including reduced procurement time and costs, better project planning, and improved collaboration.

Environmental challenges

The project area was home to a threatened population of nationally significant Southern Brown Bandicoots and Growling Grass Frogs, and we did all we could to enhance their numbers. We protected them from predators and built more than 35 underpasses and fauna crossings so they—and other wildlife in the area—could safely cross the road. We also built several habitat ponds nearby for native animals and were sensitive to local flora and fauna by avoiding high-impact works during breeding seasons.

Check out the wrap-up video below!

Project Gallery