Cook Islands Solar Power Project


Customer: Power Smart Solar Electricity

Contract: Construct Only

Location: Cook Islands and Tuvalu


Energy Solutions New Zealand & Pacific Islands


This project comprised two separate sub-contracts and involved civil and building works for this solar power project. Works were undertaken in eight remote locations in the Cook Islands, and in four locations in Tuvalu.

Our scope of works included construction of power station buildings, complete with a marine grade aluminium roof cladding for the extreme local weather conditions, and solar panel array foundations.

Due to the isolated locations, it was imperative that reliable health and safety and emergency procedures were implemented, particularly in Tuvalu where Cyclone Pam affected the islands.

We employed and trained local people on the project where possible, and there was a strong sense of participation and ownership in the project by the Cook Islands community.

Rakahanga Mayor, Neti Tarau, expressed the appreciation of the people of Rakahanga to the Governments of the Cook Islands and New Zealand and all those who worked on the project. The Rakahanga community is already saving money by not burning diesel for electricity generation and for the first time there is a secure, sustainable electricity supply 24/7.