The WINTR Program

Our Women in Non-Traditional Roles (WINTR) program is designed to provide aspiring women with invaluable hands-on experience and accredited industry qualifications in roles traditionally held by men. 

Run out of our NSW office, the program focusses on attracting, developing, and retaining diverse talent, which is crucial for our industry's growth. 

In its first year the program allowed us to reach our goal of 25% women employees in NSW, and it also diversified our talent pool by introducing women with unique perspectives from industries beyond construction.

Furthermore, over 50% of the first cohort represented Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds, creating a richer and more inclusive work environment. 

Kudos to everyone involved in this transformative initiative! We love seeing the results: engaged, dynamic, experienced women who are relishing opportunities in a growing industry.

Head to our WINTR page to read more about the program and to hear from the women who are part of the program!